
Wedding date

„We would like to thank A&A Wedding Agency and Andrey personally from all the soul for help in organization of our celebration! Everything was just superior, objectively, as in fairy tale! We will always think back with warmth to this day! Thanks to your awed attitude, attention to details and skill expeditiously resolve problems of different kind, we were completely impassive even with charge of good emotions in surroundings of wonderful people! Particular thanks for champagne and chocolate truffles as a gift! It was very pleasant to receive this tasty present from you when returning to the hotel! During all the communication by email you always answered quickly and intelligibly and let have explanations that it so was extremely pleasant! Thanks to you again! As soon as photographs from the wedding are got, will necessarily share) Success to you in everything!“

Julia & Gleb in the Vrtbovska Gardens

Top Wedding Venues

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Shlomo & Natali in the castle Brandys nad Labem
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Wedding in the Dobris Castle
Wedding in the Hluboka Castle
Wedding in Troja Chateau Prague
Wedding in the Vrtbovska Gardens
Wedding in the Old Town Hall

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