
Wedding date

Every year our projects are grander and larger!
The wedding of Vladimir and Julia became another inspiration for creating something unusual and unforgettable both for us and for this incomparable couple.

It was a Ukrainian wedding, attended by over 80 guests. In preparation of the wedding day over 36 people were involved, starting from the development of the project, preparing all the details and implementing the idea.⠀
Huge work has been done and all in order to make their day perfect.⠀

The decoration of the ceremony of Vladimir and Julia reflected this bright couple – it was modern and stylish. ⠀
Classical arch was replaced by a contemporary wedding art object, placed on the podium. Soft colours of light peach, ivory and white were tastefully complemented by gold accents.⠀
Airy flower arrangements and transparent chairs added a fairy mood to the decor. ⠀

The great transformation of the Knight’s Hall in the Pruhonice castle!⠀
9 hours of work on the site, 7 days of preparation of the decorations in the studio, and the medieval hall turned into a fairy-tale world, where the main characters were Vladimir and Julia.

Top Wedding Venues

Shlomo & Natali in the castle Brandys nad Labem
Exclusive wedding in Prague
Shlomo & Natali in the castle Brandys nad Labem
Wedding in the Chateau Mcely
Wedding in the Zbiroh Castle
Wedding in the Sychrov Castle
Wedding in the Lednice Castle
Wedding in Kaunicky Palace
Wedding in Baroque Refektory
Wedding in the Karlstejn Castle
Wedding in the Pruhonice Castle
Wedding in the Dobris Castle
Wedding in the Hluboka Castle
Wedding in Troja Chateau Prague
Wedding in the Vrtbovska Gardens
Wedding in the Old Town Hall

Our portfolio

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Val & Juli in the Hluboka Castle
Pieter & Dari in the Karlstejn Castle
Rodi & Iulia in the Vrtbovska Gardens
Shlomo & Natali in the castle Brandys nad Labem
Serge & Olesya in Troja Château
Wedding in the Dobris Castle

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Alex & Elvira in the Old Town Hall
Vladi & Olga in Konopiste Castle
Julia & Gleb in the Vrtbovska Gardens
Max & Xenia in Prague
Anna & Ole in Troja Château
Wedding in the Pruhonice Castle
Wedding in the Stirin Castle
Wedding in Baroque Refektory
Wedding in Clementinum
Marina & Serge in Dobris Castle
Dasha & Andrew in the Pruhonice Castle
Wedding in the Hluboka Castle
Wedding in the Old Town Hall
Wedding in the Vrtbovska Gardens
Weddings in the Troja Château

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